Department of Mgt. and Commerce Studies
Sai School of Management & Commerce studies provides opportunities in the field of Management & Commence studies at under graduate and post graduate levels. India is still under economic transformation. The school has a team of dedicated faculty who are fully engaged in developing various managerial skills of the students and molding there all round personality. Our faculty is updating their knowledge on a continuous basis by attending programmes, seminars and workshops.
- M.Phil Management
Schemes & SyllabusSyllabus and Scheme of B.Com(2017) (Click Here)
Schemes & SyllabusSyllabus and Scheme of M.Com(2017) (Click Here)
Schemes & SyllabusSyllabus and Scheme of BHM (Click Here)
Schemes & Syllabus B.H.M. 2015 (Click Here)
Schemes & Syllabus B.Com 2015 (Click Here)
Schemes & Syllabus BBA 2022 (Click Here)
Schemes & Syllabus MBA 2020 Onwards (Click Here)
Schemes & Syllabus Ph.D (Click Here)