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You are here : » Ragging - A Social Crime

Ragging - A Social Crime

As per the ruling of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, ragging is a cognizable offence and banned by the court of law. Depending upon the nature and gravity of the offence, those who are found guilty of participation in, or abetment to ragging can be
a) Suspended/expelled from the college.
b) R usticated from the college upto two years.
c) Fined upto Rs. 25,000/-.
d) Face rigorous imprisonment upto three years.
All necessary steps are taken by the college authorities to curb any incident(s) of ragging in the campus. The senior students are made to sign an undertaking that they will abstain from indulging in ragging. Anti Ragging Squads are formed in the college to keep a strict vigil over student activities in the college campus. Surprise checks are carried out in the hostels from time to time to monitor the students. Anti ragging posters and banners are displayed at various locations in the campus to dissuade senior students from participating in any ragging activity. Each student will have to give an affidavit as per the form given at the end of the prospectus.
Striving for excellence is inherent in SSGI culture; here success is a journey, an experience which everyone feels within.